Customize & style your site 🎨

Tweak your site settings with custom branding, style and personality!

🚨 This is a demo story and a quick guide for you to test features and dive into the tool. Feel free to delete it or unpublish after! Learn more

Welcome to site settings

You've created a site. What happens next?

You can make your Prezly site reflect your brand, team, or style! We've built features into the software so you can customize your site(s) logo, colors, and fonts and add your brand's info. All without any code! ​

Setting up a site

Most of our users say it takes less than 5 minutes to get their sites fully set up and looking good. Pretty quick, right?

Start with all your neat company info, branding and themes, and languages. You can do that by going to your main Prezly homepage and clicking the little gear βš™οΈ next to your site name.

Add company info

First things first, click on Site information. Here you can add your brand's name, email, socials, phone number, and more!

Set up branding and themes

Make sure you add your logos in Branding settings so you can really own your site. Then, start setting up your site's accent color, content options, and typography in your Themes settings, where you'll find built-in themes that can be directly set up and activated. Create a look and feel that suits your brand best!


Publish stories in multiple languages to ensure your stories win coverage across your entire audience, no matter where they might be. For example, most Prezly users in Belgium publish stories in Dutch, French, or English to cater to their regional audience.

Your turn! πŸš€

Now that you've learned how to set up your site, contacts, languages, and branding, why not give it a go? Use the guide in the video below

Need help?

Are you feeling stuck?

Use the big purple button in the bottom-right corner to chat with our team, or send us a good old-fashioned email at 😊 We're here and happy to help!

You can also find tutorials and help docs in our Help Center.

🚨 Another gentle reminder with a big ol' alarm icon: this is just a demo story! Feel free to delete it when you're done and start a fresh new story on your main page with the big friendly "Create Story" button.